Sunday, 24 October 2010

The Adventures of Madame and Her Magical Sling

My first experience of Baby Wearing was my youngest sister, my mom had a ring sling and she and Abbie loved it. It was a life saver in many respects for both of them. I too wore Abbie on occasion as I was 13 when she was born. Since then I have had friends who have worn their babies and while we were trying to get pregnant I started reading this blog which lead me to find Dr. Sears and the Attachment Parenting Movement. I had already decided I wanted to wear Madame after she was born but thanks to Meridith from Becoming Mamas and her amazing Baby Wearing Guide I chose to start out with a woven ring sling. My main reason for choosing a woven ring sling was simplicity, while I knew I could learn the wraps I also knew I was going to have TONS to learn as a new mother and I already knew how to work a ring sling, Philip also wanted to use it and I knew I could show him once or twice and he would pick it up easily. While I love my ring sling I also really want to try wrapping and even have my eye on Mei Tai's and other Soft Structure carriers.

While we use our ring sling on an almost daily basis around the house it also goes EVERYWHERE Madame and I go, even in the pushchair as a blankie, more in case she gets grisly in the pushchair then I have it with me to wear her while I push the empty pushchair, it has also been to some really fun places. I try to get a picture of either Philip or I wearing her when we are at the places of note and from time to time I will post them here. For the moment it is just the Ella Roo Woven Ring Sling, but hopefully soon I will have other wraps or slings to show as well.

So for today Madame and I on the sea wall at Paglesham the photos were taken on the last Monday in August, yes I am wearing a jumper the breeze from the sea can be brutal! As it looks weird I will explain in the second picture the white bit is Madame's bib, when I wear her I flip it up so it rests against me to catch any spit up before it hits me.

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