Friday, 9 January 2009

Went for a wander here this afternoon. I love when I am lucky enough to work near it on a Friday and can wander through on a lunch time. Got a little present for Mr Y in E while I was there. As I do not partake in the fattening goods it brings me pleasure to know someone I love will be enjoying them.

To occupy my mind from the stop smoking project due to start tomorrow I pulled out all of our paper bills from the accordion file put them all in month order and shoved them in a huge folder marked 2008 to be shoved under the bed with 2005-2007. I then proceeded to shred a 6 inch pile of papers we no longer needed with a hand cranked paper shredder (beggars can't be choosers it was free). With about 1/2 and inch left to go my husband who had been sitting across the room turned and said "should have left them for me to do tomorrow when I am off". Well it is a little late now and I am almost done. I have also managed to stave off a panic attack for the two hours I have been working on this project so maybe a sore right arm is worth is.

I have found using music to influence my moods to be very helpful. 10 min from getting into London I change my ipod to a play list of Dave Mathews Satellite and close my eyes and wonder through a Sunflower meadow to find my center. Then I move on to Alphaville's Forever Young to get my feet tapping for the walk to work. By the time the train has pulled in I have made it to Queen's Under Pressure which I found had the perfect beat to make me walk at a good heart rate for burning calories, I leave this on repeat for the walk to work. Some times I switch between the live version and the recorded version. Before you ask me which live version as there are many here is my answer. I have no idea, the one Mr. Y in E put on my i pod. Ask him. For the walk from work to the train station I listen to Queens Radio Ga Ga again a good beat to keep me walking at a good pace. For the ride home something soothing to get rid of any work tension usually David Gray's greatest hits. I listened to this album over and over and over again on the 10 hour flight home while the baby in the seat ahead of me screamed for 75% of the time. I credit it for me not jumping over the seat and snapping the babies neck.

1 comment:

Nerdy Girl.... The Life of Linda said...

Guess what the new SU catalogue is due out in US on 1st February, if you give up smoking now think of all that money you can spend in the new catalogue.... lol Best of Luck for tomorrow and all the days after, you can beat it!!!