Thursday, 28 August 2008

Me and My Fit Flops

I bought a pair of Fit Flops at the beginning of the summer because well I could. They were going to change my life and I was going to drop 10 dress sizes and all that good stuff. So three months later what are the results

As far as weight loss and toning up I think they have failed miserably. As far as I can tell they do nothing, I saw no weight loss until I started to do WW. On the upside they are the most comfortable sandal I have ever worn. I had to stand on the train for almost an hour one day and my feet had never felt so good. I have worn them almost exclusively all summer with the exception of when I needed to dress up which was seldom. I wear them back and forth to work every day as well. I have also been using them for when I walk as exercise and they are really comfortable. I have to say that they are also still in really great shape for a pair of shoes that have been worn almost exclusively for three months. I am sure they will make it through next summer at least if not beyond. That ain't half bad for £36.

1 comment:

Michael5000 said...

Having your feet feel good seems like a pretty good result from a shoe. Victory!