Friday, 3 December 2010

Fitness Friday

Fitness Fridays are on hiatus while Madame and I are in the US. I am still tracking my food using WW and using my parent's scales. I am still loosing some weight it looks like according to the scales but I don't post anything but when I go to my WW weigh in as all scales are slightly different. My goal while I am at home over the holidays is to maintain the 170lb I had gotten down to before I left for the states, if I loose weight it is a bonus but I did not want to put too much pressure on myself while on vacation over the holiday season. We will see you again second week of January!


Jacqueline Sears said...

Enjoy your loong vacation!!! Good goal to maintain then after indulging a little you'll be revved and ready to get down to business in the new year!

Jacqueline Sears said...

oh, and can we have just one little picture of baby j in the meantime!? :)

Yankee in England said...

There are many pics of J coming just Fitness Fridays are going on hiatus. Hope to have a Monday Update posted next week!